Event Listing Rates

Basic Event Listing

$75 WFEA members
$99 Non-members

(This includes event date(s), event name, city, event information, phone number and website


Expanded Event Listing

$99 WFEA members
$129 Non-members

(This includes event date(s), event name, city, event information, phone number and website, – PLUS- three additional lines for description

Basic Event Listing:

Expanded Event Listing:

Display Advertising Rates

Showcase your event and increase awareness with a display advertisement. All ads are in full color bringing your event to life! The magazine is distributed in both a printed and digital format extending your reach throughout Washington and the Oregon’s Portland-Metro region.


144,000 readers statewide of the printed edition distributed statewide through Washington Welcome Centers, Chambers of Commerce, Visitor and Convention Bureaus, hotels and other key tourist locations. The digital edition is also hosted on the WFEA and Pamplin Media Group websites and includes a targeted digital campaign to 100,000 opted-in emails in the Portland-Metro region.


Chris Sweet

Contact: Chris Sweet

Office Phone: 

6605 SE Lake Rd,
Portland, OR 97222

QUESTIONS? Get In Touch:

A Pamplin Custom Publishing Project

WA EVENTS – Rates & Distribution